Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The last of the physics.?

1. state and explain faraday's law.

2. describe how a generator works.

3. compare and contrast motors and generators.

4. describe how a transformer works.

5. explain why transformers are used for transmission of electric power.

6. describe electromagnetic waves.

thanks. i really need the help.

The last of the physics.?school myspace

1. Faradays law states that the current induced is directly proportional to the rate of passing through of flux lines.

2. A generator rotates a magnet inside a coil of wire to induce an alternating current in the wire.

3. A motor is a reverse generator, basically where a current is applied to the coil and the magnet will rotate.

4. A transformer converts an electric current into a magnetic field and then back into a current, This can be used to change the voltage of a supply.

5. Transformers are used to increase the supply to high voltages to reduce loss due to resistance in the wire, and then before it reaches homes, it is taken down again.

6. Electromagnetic waves are self propogating waves (require no medium) that have both electric and magnetic components.

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