Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How does a nuclear generator work?

I can't seem to find out anywhere :(


Thankyouu :D


How does a nuclear generator work?i love new york myspace

A nuclear generator is basically a thermal generator that uses nuclear power as its energy source.

Basically a nuclear reactor creates heat through a controlled nuclear reaction. This heat is used to turn water into steam. The steam is then used to turn a steam turbine, which spins a generator that creates electricity. Very simple, really!

You can find a lot of what you want to know here:


How does a nuclear generator work?myspaces-com myspace.com

Try this link


And then look under the How it works section
they start a nuclear reaction (the atoms split and hit others that in turn split) this gives off heat, the heat boils water, the water spins a turbine
it is a steam engine but with out the copyright guidlines met
A very basic idea of Power Generation using Nuclear Energy....

*...The fission of Uranium 235 in a reactor produces vast amounts of heat energy.

*...The heat is used to produce high pressure, superheated steam which is fed to huge steam turbines producing high speed rotation..

*...The turbines convert the heat and pressure energy of the steam into 'Mechanical' energy which is transmitted to a 'Generator' by a connecting shaft and gear systems.

*...As the generator rotates, it produces Electricity by a system using the rotating element or 'Rotor' spinning within a magnetic field (the stationary 'Stator' element).

*...The magnetic field induces electricity into the Rotor coils and the electrical power is controlled, 'collected' and fed through transformers into the 'Grid' feeding the needs of Industry and Homes of the community.

All of this is 'Conversion of Energy', from Nuclear to Heat and Pressure Energy, to Mechanical Energy to Electrical Energy.

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